Fusetti C. Extra-articular Phalanx Fractures in ” Acute and Chronic Finger Injuries in Ball Sports ” Chick G et al, Springer Verlag 2013
60. van Aaken, J, Fusetti C, Lucchina S, Hofmeister E, Shin AY. fifth metacarpal neck fractures treated with soft wrap/buddy taping compared to reduction and casting. Prospective multicenter randomized trial. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg; 2016 Jan; 136(1): 135-142
59. Scarsi B, Fusetti C. Future perspectives in carpal tunnel surgery. the state of the art. Minerva Orthop Traumatol 2016; 67: 8-23
58. Guidi M, Lucchina S, Fusetti C. Skeletal muscles metastasis to flexor digitorum from an urothelial cell carcinoma. Case report in Urology, 2016
57 Lucchina S, Lazzaro L, Fusetti C, Wada T, Oda T. Mallet fingers with bone avulsion and DIP joint subluxation. J Hand Sur Eur 2015; 40 : 63-7
56 Hurni Y, Fusetti C, De Rosa V. Fracture dislocation of the pisiform bone in children : a case report and review of the literature. J Pediatr Orthop B, 2015 Jul 3 ( Epub ahead of print)
55 Unno-Veith F, Lucchina S, Bosson D, Fusetti C. Immediate and durable clinical improvement in the non-operated hand after controlateral surgery for patients with bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. Hand 12/2014; DOI:10.1007
54. Lucchina S, Maggiulli F, Tos P, Ionac M, Fusetti C. Can an adipofascial flap be used to prevent adhesions after plating of the proximal phalanx ? A case report. Chir Main 2015 ( Epud ahead of print)
53.Corni V, Lucchina S, Fusetti C.Is Masson’s tumor only a slow growing benign neoplasm ? A case report. Hand Surg 2014; 19(3): 445-447
52. Troester B,Fusetti C.Muss das Vieleckbein bei der Sattelgelenksarthrose immer entfernt worden ? Therapeutische Umschau 2014 July; Vol 71 (7): 410-414
51. Fusetti C, Lazzaro M, Trobia M, Lucchina S, Petri GFJ, Garavaglia G. Patient’s point of view on informed consent. A prospective study in carpal tunnel surgery. Am J Orthop ( Belle Mead NJ) 2013 Dec; 42(12): E111-115
50. Lucchina S. Fusetti C. A touch of humanity . Hands on stamps : Brasil 1979 – 150th anniversary of the first pubblication of Braille writing. J Hand Surg ( Am) 2014 Feb; 39(2), 345
49. Brunetti S, Petri J, Lucchina S, Garavaglia G, Fusetti C. Should aspirin be stopped before carpal tunnel surgery ? A prospective study. World J Orthop 2013 Oct 18 ; 4 (4): 299-302
48. Fusetti C, Garavaglia G, Thebaud A. Anatomical collateral ligament reconstruction in the hand using intraosseous suture anchors and free tendon graft. J Hand Surg Eur 2013 Jun; 38(5): 576-7
47. Lucchina S, Fusetti C. Treatment of type III middle phalangeal neck fractures through a palmar approach. Chin Traumatol .2013 Apr 1; 16(2): 107-109
46. Lucchina S, Fusetti C. Revision surgery for failed carpal tunnel release. Plast Reconstr Surg 2012 Dec ; 130 (6): 898-899
45. Lucchina S, Fusetti C, Nistor A. Arterial grafts are also available locally for hand reconstruction. J Hand Surg Am 2012 Jul ; 37(7) : 1510-1511
44. Ferrero A, Garavaglia G, Gehri R, Maenza F, Fusetti C. Analysis of the inter- and intraobserver agreement in radiographic evaluation of wrist fractures using the multimedia messaging service ( MMS ). Hand 2011 Dec; 6(4) : 389-394
43. Lucchina S, Badia A, Nistor A, Fusetti C. Surgical treatment options for unstable mallet fractures. Plast Reconstr Surg 2011 Aug; 128 (2): 599-600
42. Deabate L, Garavaglia G, Lucchina S, Fusetti C. Fracture of the radial sesamoid bone of the thumb. An unusual fracture. Chin J Traumatol 2011 Oct; 14(5): 309-311
41. Lucchina S, Becker HA, Fusetti C, Shin AY. Transient bone resorption following finger replantation: a report of 3 cases. Chin J Traumatol 2011 Jun; 14(3): 178-182
40. Lucchina S, Nistor A, Fusetti C. Post-traumatic combined flexion of the thumb, index and middle finger after intrinsic muscles reconstruction : a case report. Hand Surg 2011; 16(2) : 189-191
39. Lucchina S, Nistor A, Stricker H, Fusetti C. False aneurysm of the common digital artery. Is reconstruction with an arterial graft worth the efforts ? Microsurgery 2011; 31(3) : 246-250
38. Brunetti S, Garavaglia G, Fusetti C. Treatment of nonunion of the distal phalanx with olecranon bone graft. J Hand Surg Eur vol 2011; 36(3) : 252
37. Platon A, Poletti PA, van Aaken J, Fusetti C, Becker C. Occult fractures of the scaphoid: the role of sonography in the emergency department. Skeletal Radiol 2011 ( Epub ahead of print )
36. Della Santa DR, Sennwald GR, Mathys L, Glauser T, Fusetti C, Beaulieu JY. Proximal row carpectomy in emergency. Chir Main 2010 Jul 21;
35. Lucchina S, Badia A, Dornean V, Fusetti C. Unstable mallet fractures : a comparaison between three different techniques in a multicenter study. Chin J Traumatol 2010 Aug 1; 13(4): 195-200
34. Nistor A, Gie O, Biegger P, Fusetti C, Lucchina S. Surgical vacuum-assisted closure for treatmemt of dramatic case of stonefish envenomation. Chin J Traumatol 2010 Aug 1; 13(4): 250-252
33. Lucchina S, Fusetti C. Is early harware removal compulsory after retention of angled drill guides in palmar locking plates ? The role of pronator quadratus reconstruction. Chin J Traumatol 2010 Jan ; 13(2): 1-3
32. Pini R, Lucchina S, Garavaglia G, Fusetti C. False anevrysm of the interosseous artery and anterior interosseous syndrome – an unusual complication of penetrating injury of the forearm. J Orthop Surg Res 2009 Dec 24; 4(1): 44
31. Fusetti C, Garavaglia G, Papaloïzos MY. Plate fixation in closed ipsilateral multiple metacarpal fractures. J Hand Surg Eur 2009 Aug; 34(4): 560-1
30. Lucchina S, Fusetti C. Surgical vacuum assisted closure for treatment of vinorelbine extravasation. Chin J Traumatol 2009 Aug ; 12(4): 247-249
29. Lucchina S, Fusetti C. Inadvertent retention of angled drill guide after volar locking plate fixation of distal radius. J Bone Joint Surg 2009 June / online publication (
28. Fusetti C, Garavaglia G, Mathoulin C, Petri J, Lucchina S. A reliable solution for recalcitrant carpal tunnel syndrome : the hypothenar fat pas flap. Am J Orthop; 38(4): 181-186.
27. Lucchina S, Becker C, Fusetti C, Shin AY. Transient bone resorption following finger replantation. J Hand Surg ( Br ) 2009 Jun; 34E Suppl 1 : 98
26. Lucchina S, Parvex SL, Biegger P, Fusetti C. FK-506 ointment: an effective adjuvant to treat a dramatic case of Pyoderma Gangrenosum of the hand. Chin J Traumatol. 2009 Jun ; 12(3) : 183-184
25. van Aaken J, Beaulieu JY, Fusetti C. Long-term outcomes of closed reduction and percutaneous pinning for treatment of distal radius fractures. J Hand Surg ( Am). 2009 May-Jun; 34(5): 963
24. van Aaken J, Beaulieu JY, Della Santa D, Kibbel O, Fusetti C. High rate of complications associated with extrafocal kirschner wire pinning for distal radius fractures. Chir Main. 2008 Jun 20.
23. Fusetti C, Garavaglia G. A prospective comparaison for suspected scaphoid fractures: bone scintigraphy versus clinical outcome. Injury. 2008 Mar 500-501
22. Lucchina S, Biegger P, Fusetti C. Ishiguro’s extension block pinning versus screw fixation for mallet fractures. A retrospective study. J Hand Surg (Br) 2007 June ; 32 E, Suppl 1: 24
21. Lucchina S, Fusetti C. La sindrome del tunnel carpale. Tutto già noto ? Bull Soc Suisse Réeduc Main 2007; 1: 6-13
20. van Aaken J, Kaempfen S, Berli M, Fritschy D, Della Santa DR, Fusetti C: Outcome of boxer’s fractures treated by soft wrap and buddy taping : a prospective study. Hand 2007 Dec; vol 2 (4): 212-217
19. Kurzen P, Fusetti C, Büchler U, Nagy L. Complications in plating of phalangeal fractures. J Trauma. 2006 Apr;60(4):841-3.
18. Kaempfen S, Della Santa D, Fusetti C. A non ischemic blue thumb. A case of Achenbach syndrome. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg Extra, Volume 10, Issue 4, October 2005, 84-8
17. Fusetti C, Poletti PA, Pradel PH, Garavaglia G, Platon A, Santa DR, Bianchi S. Diagnosis of occult scaphoid fracture with high-spatial-resolution sonography: A prospective blind study. J Trauma. 2005 Sep;59(3):677-681.
16. Fusetti C. Lesioni, rigenerazione nervosa e neuromi. Bull Soc Suisse Réeduc Main 2005; 1: 45-48
15. Fusetti C, Papaloizos M, Meyer H, Borisch N, Della Santa D. The ECRL bone-tendon ligamentoplasty for chronic ulnar instability of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb. Chir Main. 2005 Oct;24(5):217-21.
14. Fusetti C, Della Santa DR. Influence of fracture pattern on consolidation after metacarpal plate fixation. Chir Main. 2004 Feb;23(1):32-6.
13. Papaloizos MY, Fusetti C, Christen T, Nagy L, Wasserfallen JB. Minimally invasive fixation versus conservative treatment of undisplaced scaphoid fractures: a cost-effectiveness study. J Hand Surg [Br]. 2004 Apr;29(2):116-9.
12. Garavaglia G, Bianchi S, Della Santa D, Fusetti C. Trans-trapezoid carpo-metacarpal luxation of the thumb. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2004 Jan;124(1):67-8.
11. Fusetti C, Garavaglia G, Papaloizos M, Wasserfallen JB, Nagy L. Direct and indirect costs in conservative treatment of undisplaced scaphoid fractures. Eur J Orthop Traumatol 2003; 13 : 241-244.
10. Fusetti C , Kurzen P, Bonaccio M, Buechler U, Nagy L. Hand metastasis in renal cell carcinoma. Urology,2003, 62: 141
9. Meyer H, Stern R, Fusetti C, Salsano F, Hoffmeyer P: Sexuality after hip surgery in premenopausal patients. J Orthop Traumatol, 2003,4(1), 21-26
8. Fusetti C, Meyer H, Borisch N, Stern R, Della Santa D, Papaloizos M. Complication of plate fixation in metacarpal fractures. J Trauma 2002, 52(3) : 535-539.
7. Fusetti C, Sénéchaud C, Merlini M: Quality of life of vascular patients following lower limb amputation. Ann Chir 2001, 126(5):434-439.
6. Fusetti C, Meyer H, Papaloizos M, Della Santa D: Bone ECRL tendon ligamentoplasty for chronic ulnar instability of the thumb MCP joint. Towards an anatomical reconstruction of the ulnar collateral ligament. Techniques in Upper Arm and Hand Surgery 2001; 5(1): 8-14.
5. Fusetti C, Renggli JC, Becciolini C, Wellensiek B, Merlini M: Chronischer venöser Zugang über die Vena saphena. Chirurg 1999; 70: 1036-1040.
4. Fusetti C, Reilly I, Donati D, Biegger P.: Le cisti primitive della milza. A proposito di 3 casi e rivista della letteratura. Ann It Chir 1998; LXIX,6: 1-6.
3. Fusetti C, Kuhrmeier A, Gyr Th, A Marx, Martinoli S.: La colecistectomia laparoscopica durante la gravidanza. Ann It Chir 1997;LXVIII,5: 669-673.
2. Fusetti C, Reilly I, Biegger P.: Distale Dünnedarmperforation durch PEG-Endstück bei einem Inguinalhernienträger. Chirurg 1997; 68: 274-276.
1. Fusetti C, Rossetti A, Martinoli S.: L’osteoma osteoide del collo femorale: un problema diagnostico. Rev Med Tic 1995; 1: 12-16.